What is Hacker ?

A hacker is a person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data. The term hacker is defines someone who attempts to break into the computer systems.

Who is Hacker ?

Any clever programmer can be called as hacker. In computer security world, a hacker is someone who seeks and exploits weakness in a computer system or computer networks.

Basic knowledge to become a beginner hacker

For now, you have got some knowledge/idea about hacker, i.e. what the hacker means, who the hackers are.

In today's computer world, every computer programmer, even beginner computer user wants to become a hacker. And why not they wants to become a hacker, hacking is the skills which makes you to get freedom in computer world. It means you can do anything from good to bad after becoming a hacker. So to become a hacker, you have to follow the below steps which tells you about the basic knowledge and essential computer skills to become a hacker and also tells you why these basic knowledge and essential computer skills required to become a hacker

So to become a smart hacker, here smart in the sense, a hacker who can't be caught by any one. There are some basic knowledge to become a beginner hacker which are:

  • Computer Fundamentals - First get the essential knowledge about how computer works, how CPU works and also get some knowledge about computer Hardwares. You can give Computer Hardware Online Test to check you skill on Computer Hardware.
  • C Programming Language - C is recommended programming language for hackers. C is widely used by hackers, and this is the main programming language used by anyone who want to hack anything. Since it is the basic programming language and is fast as assembly language. It is closest to the UNIX since UNIX is totally written in C. You can give C Online Test to check yourself.
  • HTML - HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. HTML is the basic language in developing web pages. So know, how to write HTML to become an internet hacker. Without knowing how to write HTML, you can't be an internet hacker.
  • Networking - Get some knowledge about networking, get basic knowledge about wireless technologies to become wireless hacker.
  • SQL or MySQL - Choose any Database language, SQL is recommended. SQL is used to create, update, delete, modify data in the databases. Learn SQL to become database hacker. You can give SQL Online Test to check you skill on SQL or MySQL Online Test to check your skill on MySQL.
  • PHP - Learn php since PHP is used to connect forms or web pages to the databases. PHP is widely used by hacker. So learn PHP to become email account hacker. You can give PHP Online Test to check yourself on PHP.
  • Python - Learn python since Python is a scripting language which is widely used by hackers. You can give free Python Online Test to check your skill on Python.
  • JavaScript - Learn JavaScript since JavaScript is mainly used to track the user's information over the internet. It can also helps Hacker to escape after hacking. You can give free JavaScript Online Test to check your skill on JavaScript.
  • UNIX - Learn about UNIX commanding since UNIX is the main knowledge to become a hacker. Learn all UNIX commands which are used bye hackers for hacking purposes. You can give Linux Online Test and Unix Online Test for free to check your knowledge about Linux and Unix.
  • Cryptography - Learn cryptography to know how encryption and decryption works. Since for hacking or getting secret information, decryption algorithms and knowledge always required. Learn Cryptography to become an expert hacker

Now let's get some deeper knowledge about the above mentioned topics, why these topics are required or essential to learn to become a hacker.

Computer Fundamental

how to become a hacker

Computer Fundamental knowledge is must since it is the first step to get stated, but i think you have already the knowledge of computer fundamental. Since you are watching me over internet so I think you have already computer fundamental knowledge. But you have to get some knowledge about Computer Hardwares which are essential for hacking purposes like learn about some chips like bladeRF, LF/MF/HF/VHF Transverter and some more which helps hacker to know about internal working of computers, so that hacker can change it, but it is not compulsory these knowledge is an extra knowledge which you can learn after learning about the fundamental of all the above mentioned topics.

Programming Language - Basic Hacking Skills

essential skills to become a hacker

A programming language is the main and basic skills of all the computer hacker. Without having knowledge that how to code or how to write code, no one can become a hacker. Programming helps you to tell the computer what to do with your program. Since you can not talk with your computer directly, you can talk with computer only by your program/code. You can tell the computer to do anything that you want with the help of your program. Therefore without having knowledge of computer programming or how to write code, you can't give any work to computer.

So computer programming helps you to write your own code to tell the computer what to do. More advance programmer you are, more advance work you can give to computer, so that computer can complete your work of hacking.

There are a lot of programming language available to such as C Programming, Java Programming, C++ Programming, C# Programming, Objective-C Programming etc. But C is the highly recommended programming language for hackers. Since C programming language is widely used by hackers, therefore you can also choose C programming language to become an advance hacker. We recommend you to go for C because it is fast language as assembly and C is closely related to UNIX and it is widely used by hackers. C is the main programming language of approximately all the hackers. UNIX is totally written in C programming language. Having knowledge of C programming means having knowledge of UNIX commanding. Learn C Programming and if you have already learned C programming then you can go for revision. Here there are a lot of C programming examples you can view to refresh your mind about C programming language, C Programming Examples.

HTML - Internet Hacking

basic skills to become a hacker

Learn how to write HTML. HTML is also an essential knowledge which helps to become a hacker. Without having the knowledge of HTML, any one can not become an internet hacker. Learning HTML means learning Internet Web pages. After learning HTML, you will be able to identify how the web pages are developed, how the web pages works, how the input form works which ask from the user to enter his or her details, means you will able to know about all the web pages over the internet

So to become a hacker, you must have to learn html. HTML is simple and easy to learn. You will enjoy learning HTML since it tells you to how internet pages developed. You can also develop your own web pages or web sites using HTML. Therefore after having knowledge that how to write HTML, you can make changes to the internet pages after hacking it. You can start learning HTML in simple and easy steps with HTML Tutorial.

Networking - Wireless Hacking

become a hacker

Networking is also an essential knowledge which helps to become a hacker. So learn wireless technologies to become an advance hacker. There are a lot of wireless technologies available to learn. But to become a hacker, you have to learn some of the widely used wireless technologies for hacking purposes which are listed below:

  • DHCP
  • NAT
  • Routers and switches
  • Subnetting
  • IPv4
  • IPv6
  • Public v Private IP
  • DNS
  • MAC addressing
  • VLANs
  • ARP
  • OSI model

Learn all the above wireless technologies to become an advance hacker. After learning all the above mentioned topics of wireless technologies, and any programming language like C, you can start wireless hacking.

Therefore wireless technologies are also an essential knowledge which are required to become an advance hacker because it will help you to hacker routers, wifi, wireless signals, and many more. You can also hack internet speed of any router through which many users are connected, you can steal internet speed from more to complete.

SQL or MySQL - Database Hacking

hacker sql

To become a database hacker, or to become an account hacker, you have to learn any one of the two. We recommend you to learn SQL but MySQL is also widely used for hacking purposes. SQL helps hackers to steal information from databases. SQL also helps to create, update, delete, modify etc. data from the database.

Therefore to become account, data or database hacker, you must have to know about SQL or MySQL. Since all the customer or user's information are stored in the database like email id, password, username, dob, customer name, customer id no, customer account number, etc. Therefore start learning SQL or MySQL to become database/information hacker. But after learning SQL or MySQL, you must have to learn how to decrypt anything. Since all the secret information stored inside the database after encrypting it. So to hack or steal you must have to learn about how encryption and decryption works ( cryptography is the topic which will tell you about the working of encryption and decryption ). You can start learning SQL in simple and easy steps with examples here with SQL Tutorial.

PHP - Information hacking over Server

become a server hacker

Before telling you how php helps to become a hacker, we will make you aware that PHP is deep enough to run the world largest social networking site "Facebook" and PHP is powerful enough to be the core of the biggest blogging system on the web "WordPress".

To become a hacker to play with server over the web, learn PHP. Since PHP scripts runs on server. So to become an advance hacker, you must have to know about PHP. PHP is used to create dynamic web pages. So learning php means learning how dynamic web pages works over the internet. PHP can also helps you to connect input form information to the database to store and retrieve information from the database, so this will also helps you to become a hacker of email account and more

Before learning php, you have to get about basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. But html knowledge is compulsory before start learning about PHP. To become a hacker or to steal information from database which are on internet, you must have to learn PHP. Hackers are using php for hacking purposes. Since php helps hackers to control user access, php helps hacker to add, delete, modify, update data in the database with MySQL. But hacker mostly used php as retrieve data from the database, php helps hacker to hack most of the things which are present on internet which are related to user. So to become an advance hacker, must learn php. PHP is simple and easy to learn. You will enjoy learning php. If you want to start learning php to become a hacker. Then you can find the php tutorial here in simple and easy steps to learn in short times to save your time and follow the next topic to become an advance hacker. Learn PHP with PHP Tutorial.

Python - Widely used in Hacking

become a database hacker

Python also an essential knowledge to become a hacker. Python is also a scripting language like PHP. Python is an object oriented. Python also supports database access which helps hacker to hack information present inside database. So to become a hacker, python is also an essential computer topics. Python is also a simple and easy scripting language to learn in short time

Python is well suited for beginner programmer. Since its program structure is simple and well designed so that any beginner programmer who have not any knowledge of programming can start learning python to helps to become a hacker. Python also widely used by hacker. Since it also provides database access which helps hacker to hack or steal information from the database. You will enjoy learning python since its code structure is simple and well designed so that any beginner program can start learning. Therefore to start learning python in simple and easy steps, just go for Python Tutorial.

JavaScript - Internet Hacking

become a smart hacker

To become a smart hacker, you must have to learn about JavaScript. Since JavaScript tracks user's detail over the internet. So to become a hacker who can't be caught by any one after hacking in short to become a smart hacker, JavaScript will help you. JavaScript is widely used over the web to track user information. Before learning JavaScript, you must have to know about basic knowledge of HTML.

JavaScript is an interpreted programming language. JavaScript is basically designed to create network-centric applications. JavaScript is simple and easy to learn. To become a hacker JavaScript is an essential computer topics to know for hacker. But is not as necessary that you can't become an advance hacker without JavaScript. So without JavaScript, you can become a hacker, but we recommend you to learn not all but some basic knowledge about JavaScript which helps you to increase your hacking knowledge. So to start learning JavaScript in simple and easy steps in short time, just go for JavaScript Tutorial.

UNIX - Advance Hacking

become an expert hacker

To become really an advance Hacker, You must have to learn all the essential commands which are used by hacker or for hacking purposes. There are a lot of commands available for hackers or for hacking. UNIX is totally written on C language that's why we recommend you to learn C programming language to become a hacker. Since after learning C programming language, you will find that UNIX commanding becomes some easy to learn to become a hacker. Without having knowledge of HTML and UNIX commanding, you can't not become an internet hacker. So to become an internet hacker, you must have to know about UNIX commanding practically and about HTML also. You learn C++ programming, since it will also helps you in hacking purposes. You can go for all the essential C Programs and C++ Programs with output to revise yourself with C and C++ programming code, in case if you have already some basic knowledge about C and C++ programming.

To Learn UNIX Commands practically to become a hacker in the sense that perform UNIX command with your own. Since some knowledge required practically to know to become a hacker. Some hacking also perform by the hacker just by using some UNIX commands.

UNIX based operating system are widely used by computer hacker. Almost all the UNIX bases operating system made by hackers. So learning UNIX means learning hackers. UNIX is hard to use, since it runs on commands. To become a hacker, UNIX is best option. All advance hacker knows UNIX commands. More advance hacker, means more UNIX commands they know. There are many UNIX bases operating system available, but some of the main operating systems which are widely used by hacker are listed below:

  • Kali Linux
  • BackTrack
  • BackBox
  • Samurai WTF
  • Ubuntu
  • Fedora
  • Deepin
  • Parrot
  • Linux Mint
  • nst
  • openSUSE

The above mentioned operating systems are widely used by hackers. But the most widely used operating system by an advance hacker is Kali Linux. Kali Linux is an advance operating system, specially used by hackers, a normal user can't handle this operating system. If you are serious to become an advance hacker or master hacker then just go for Kali Linux. For beginner UNIX user, Ubuntu is recommended, after getting some basic knowledge of Ubuntu, You can go for Kali Linux (an advance Hacker's Operating System) to become an advance computer hacker. BackTrack5 is also an advance operating system for hacker but Kali Linux is updated version of BackTrack5. You can also go for BackBox and other UNIX based operating system for hacking purposes which are listed. But Kali Linux is the most advance Operating system which are widely used by hacker

Cryptography - Expert Hacker

become an advance hacker

To become an expert hacker, you must have to learn about cryptography. Since cryptography teaches you that how encryption and decryption works to become an expert hacker. Since to break advance system or to hack an advance and secured protected system, you must have to know that how to decrypt the file/other which is going to hack by you.

After having the knowledge of all the above mentioned computer topics, you have to learn about cryptography. Since to break anything which are encrypted, you have to first decrypt it to start hacking. So to become a hacker, (expert hacker) you must have to know about cryptography. Cryptography teaches you about many algorithms that is used to encrypt and decrypt files. There are a lot of encryption and decryption algorithms you can learn. Here there is no recommendation for hacker that you have to learn only these topics. It depends only on you, more strong knowledge you will get about cryptography, more strong hacker you will become.


After learning all the above computer topics. To become a hacker, you have to think like a hacker. Since many peoples having many computer knowledge but they are not hacker. The reason behind this is that they are not thinking like a hacker. So follow some steps given below to become a hacker after gaining the above knowledges.

Think Creatively

After learning all the above computer topics which are essential skills required to become a master hacker. You have to think artistically. Since Hackers are like artist. So you have to think like hacker. Think Creatively in the sense, you have to rewind your knowledge and think how to use our knowledge or code to break any thing which are protected. You can also start making your own viruses and anti-viruses. Virus is not only to delete files or make system hang. Virus also help hacker to create for auto working tasks like a back account hacker can insert virus on the bank's server to auto retrieve customer's detail and account number and these type of virus can also help back account hacker to make auto money transfer to his or her account automatically. It means you have to think creatively to become a hacker or to use your knowledge for hacking purposes. You can also think like white hat hacker who helps the government to find weakness in the computer system.

Love Solving Problems

If you really want to become a hacker, then you must have to love to solve any problems. Since a hacker is going to hack anything, it means Hacker is going to solve the problems. All hacker are loving to solve problems, since if they are not then would not be a hacker. Solving problems will increases hacker capability. Less time a hacker will get to solve any problem, more advance hacker he or she will be.


Everyone wants to become a hacker, since a hacker is the only person in the computer world who can do anything depends on his mood. It means that Hacker has a freedom in computer security world. Write some open source softwares which also helps hacker to increase the knowledge in the field of hacking. Start debugging software and application which also helps hacker to find the weakness of software and application. Now start participate over internet where hackers are already available and helps some one to solve his/her problems.

To become a successful and modern hacker, present over internet to find people who have some problems. So as a successful hacker solve their problems and find more and more people having problems to solve their problem and become a popular hacker. When solving their problems, your hacking knowledge will also increases and you will become an advance hacker after some time. So be patient to become a hacker. Just practice and practice a lot more to become a successful hacker. Just set one thing in your mind to become a hacker, i.e. You have to become a hacker means you will be a hacker. As we have already told you that hacking is not that you can learn in a night and become a hacker. It is the continuous practice which will increase your knowledge to get you at that place where you will find you as a hacker. More practice, you will done, more advance and experienced hacker you will be.

Like real life, in computer world there is also a police and a thief. The police is just like a white hat hacker and the thief is just like a black hat hacker in computer security world. So you have to decide whether you want to become a thief (black hat hacker) or a police (white hat hacker). A black hat hacker is the hacker who hacks or find weakness in the system and hack for their own profits whereas a white hat hacker is the hacker who hacks or find weakness in the system and hack for government or some authorised company.

If you want to become a white hat hacker, then you can work for the government to protect their system from black hat hacker. And if you want to become a black hat hacker, you can steal information for your own profits like you can steal money from the bank account, you can hack email id, you can do anything that a black hat hackers does. But it is more risky and no one knows you. But if you go for white hat hacker, then you will earn your name and there is no risks for white hacker. A lot of company will hire you at higher packages. More advance hacker you will be, more high package you will got.

So we recommend you to go for white hat hacker to start your career brighter. As we already told you that a white hat hacker is just like a police or military in computer security world who helps the government to caught black hat hackers.